Saturday, August 30, 2008

Heading Home

I am in London tonight and ate a really bad hamburger. I don't know why all the food tastes strange over here. They used a spice in the burger that tasted like mothballs. Maybe it was mothballs. It looked really good, like everything else, but once you taste it...the best meal I had was in a pub in Edinburgh. It was a creamy haddock soup and a salad with a honey mustard dressing. I was lucky to get on an earlier flight to London this afternoon. I am VERY appreciative of the woman at British Airways who did some finagling to get me that seat. And when I got on the plane, I ended up being seated next to someone I knew which has never happened before (this isn't that exciting-- he was at the conference and going home rather than someone I hadn't seen in years who was on my plane from the US and wasn't attending the conference). And I got to land in that new and infamous Terminal 5 at Heathrow. I head for Chicago tomorrow and Albuquerque tomorrow night. Hope you all enjoyed my trip to Scotland!

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