Monday, August 4, 2008

A big week for Ginger

Ginger had a big week. One Monday, she made her television debut on the WGN Noon News. It was her first venture into the city of Chicago and she sat up most of the way there, unusual for a dog who sleeps most of the time, even getting a good view of the downtown skyline from the Tri-State. She wasn’t such a happy clam until at about 12:15 (she was due on the air at 12:44), I took her out for a bathroom break on a grassy knoll at the studio. Mom forgot her brush for Ginger and used a hair pick to clean off some Ginger’s fur while we were in the green room. But Ginger did great on air. She sat patiently during the spot and slept all the way home. On Tuesday, we had the book signing at Anderson’s Bookshop in Naperville and Ginger was once again the star of the show.

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