Sunday, October 11, 2009

The roller coaster none of us want to be on

It's hard to write sometimes. We think things might be stable and then an hour later, we have to throw them (the things that might be stable) out the window. Daisy had another round of chemo on Monday. She was doing really well; she was happy, she even wanted to run a little in the morning. On Tuesday I went out for an appointment and, when I came back, the chemo had taken effect. She was tired and then the tumor started to swell. We expected that. But then she started spurting blood from the incision and it's been stitched up twice since then. The blood spurting were the tumor cells dying off. It held from Friday afternoon until this morning when she was feeling better and wanted to play with the others. Then she started to leak again. Tomorrow, she will move into TLC Pet Hospital, our vet clinic, where they can confine her and get it stable. We hate to do that but we know they will give her great care (and she knows them all). Our house is just too active. Still, knowing her days are numbered will make it hard to leave her there tomorrow.

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