Monday, October 19, 2009

Daisy comes home!

Daisy has been home for about two hours. We got a call this morning from the clinic that Dr. Salas felt she was ready to go home. We were anticipating bringing her home with the drain and he felt we would be able to empty the drain more often at home than they can there which is fine. Joe just did the first emptying a while ago. She walked into the house and made a beeline to the backyard and then came into my office where she snoozed under my desk until I made dinner for her and her siblings. After two bowls of food, I can see her in a bed across the hall. I'm in my office so I'm guessing she'll stay there until I finish work and head to the kitchen shortly to make dinner. It's such a relief to have her home (and not bleeding ) that I think I'm exhausted. We missed her so much and keep our fingers crossed she won't have to leave again.

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