Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Day That Has Come Too Soon

I knew the day would come but I didn't expect it to so soon. Three weeks ago, Daisy, out of nowhere, developed a large mass on her left hip. After three weeks including a suspicious lab report, then several tests, then another biopsy, today it was confirmed that she has hemangiosarcoma (I can barely say that, much less spell it). It's an aggressive cancer that especially seems to like German Shepherds. What has made this especially difficult is that she only is five. On Saturday, she took a bad turn and ended up with a blood transfusion. I flew home from Chicago on Sunday and she was doing better. She is doing well now and we're letting her enjoy the heck out of the time she has with us. They say she possibly has three months left but we don't know that for sure. We'll try to beef up her red blood cells and roll and frolick with Hattie all she wants. I know one day I'll understand why her time with us was so short. I do know that Jolene, the woman who was going to take Daisy if it didn't work out at my house when she was a puppy, said she is a really special dog and she truly has affected a lot of lives. Life is so short, enjoy each moment we have with each other.

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