Thursday, July 2, 2009

Change no matter where we are

I flew to Chicago yesterday via Denver and Lincoln, NE, (don't ask'd think United would want to keep me on fewer planes when I'm using a frequent flyer ticket I payed $10 for....). It was a cloudy and cool day in Naperville so this afternoon I took Ginger and Daisy for a walk. Daisy now has been with Mom for about seven months and seems really happy in her new life. She had very wiry fur that now is almost gone and turned more yellow than the former white it was and also is a soft as, well, a furry dog. Mom says it was her thyroid that did it and now that she's on medication, she's looking more like the yellow lab that she is. Ginger is Ginger. Some things never change. Ginger still opens the cabinet door when Mom leaves and we joke that Daisy stands at the window saying, "You better hurry! She's pulling up in the driveway now!" Mom doesn't keep the garbage there anymore. But on our afternoon walk through Brush Hill Park, it was sad to see one of the last parcels of farmland now gone. In fact, where Ginger and I once walked next to corn, they were putting up a fence today for what I assume is a car dealership on the other side. Change is inevitable but it was good for the last three years that when Ginger and I would walk, at least I felt close to some sort of Midwestern farm with the corn there. Each day I pray that I keep moving forward in my life but somehow there are some things I wish could stay the same. I guess I can't have my corn, er cake, and eat it too.

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