Saturday, November 1, 2008

Shark fin soup and understanding accents

I had 43 people at my session today. It was at the end of the day so it was a busy day talking to people and listening to plenary talks. The accents at my session were thick-- there was a man there from Venuatu (where Survivor filmed one season) as well as another Middle Eastern man and I still am not sure where he was from plus all the Asian people (mostly Chinese). These people are working so hard to help people in their countries. A man from Thailand wanted to know how I have ended survivor groups (wrapped them up before people go home). I told him that I have everyone share a happy or funny memory of their loved one who has died and he came back later to ask if it was okay if the leader (himself) could share that as well. I told him of course. He said his mother had died by suicide and I'm guessing he wanted approval that he, too, could share. I had shark fin soup for dinner. There weren't too many people who looked like us in the area where we went so we got stared at all through dinner. The fins tasted like cartilage. I need some sleep. I have one more session tomorrow afternoon but this one is only 20 minutes (today was 90). More photos are coming, hopefully, tomorrow night.

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