Sunday, December 6, 2009

Adjusting to a changed life

The house isn't the same since Daisy died. Although she had been with us on and off the last few months because of her bleeding, at least we knew she was still just a few miles away. Now she is with us in a different sense. When my sister died in 1993, I remember going over to the high school and standing in the counseling office with the school counselors. We were talking about Denise and I think I said something about how I didn't know who was going to cut my hair anymore since she was the one who did it. One of the counselors made a comment that so often people forget about those routine things in life. But those "little things" are what we miss most. As I cleaned the house yesterday, something I absolutely detest but find necessary to my sanity, I ran across black hairs everywhere. And it was sad to vacuum Daisy's "spot" behind the living room lounge chair (where the Christmas tree currently stands), knowing I won't walk into the living room to find her there anymore. Life is made up of those little things. Life isn't always grand and exciting. It's a series of small events that happen each day as we go about our lives. And we need to treasure the moments, as insignificant as they seem, because they don't last forever.

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