Sunday, December 13, 2009

Santa Claus get stolen

In a previous blog, included photos of our Christmas decorations. One of them was a large Santa Claus with four puppies climbing all over him. I bought him several years ago at the Meijer store in Naperville. He was the last one left and I wanted him because he had the four puppies and I had four dogs. I shipped him to Albuquerque and have displayed him outside for the last few years. This morning I went outside to go run with Chaco and Santa Claus was gone. He was stolen during the night- nothing else is missing (my small Santa Claus and my lit up reindeer are still there). I realize he is a piece of molded plastic that cost me less than $20 but he was significant to me because of the four puppies. Yesterday also was my birthday. And it felt like insult was added to injury since Daisy died 1 1/2 weeks ago. When I have had copies of my book on sibling suicide taken off tables at events, I often chalked it up to the person really needing that book, however, I'm having a hard time understanding how someone could have needed that Santa more than me right now.

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