Monday, December 28, 2009

Puppyhood is upon us again

I admit that I wasn't happy that we had no plans for Christmas Day. The reality is that I spent most of it working, something I try not to do on holidays. But after getting stuck overnight in Dallas thanks to weather and a plane that left without me, I had work to do. Yet it was on Christmas night that we found out we are to be the new pet parents of a rescued German Shepherd puppy who is three months old and currently residing in Oklahoma. I knew eventually we'd another dog. I didn't plan to do it this soon though. During my dissertation research, a question we often pondered was when is it okay for someone grieving a pet to get a new one? And I think my own experience is reminding me that it's different for all of us. I felt a little weird talking about it at first, like I was dishonoring Daisy. But what I realized was, if Daisy were alive and could talk, she'd be telling us to open our home to another dog. We have the room and are willing to give the time and energy. I wanted another German Shepherd because I wanted a chance to use everything I learned about Daisy's immune system to help another dog. Tomorrow morning we are on our way to Oklahoma to pick that dog up. I will write more about her story once she is with us. In the meantime, I spent today preparing for puppyhood– pulling the crate out, buying the puppy food, and making a vet appointment for Monday. I have been asking Daisy to lead us to the right dog at the right time. I know she's taking care of this and helping it all to fall into place. And I know she'll be guiding us on our trip and back home with the "new" fourth member of our family.

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