Monday, July 5, 2010

Daisy's Birthday

I admit that I have been procrastinating and not blogging here. I hope in the next two weeks I can get caught up. June 18 would have been Daisy's 6th birthday. It's still hard to believe she's not here with us in the same way now. On the fireplace mantle, I have her photo, her collar, and her ashes on one end. I was standing at them yesterday and feeling a little sad. Nestle came in the room first, followed by Gidget, and then came Hattie. They all wanted me to pet them which became very difficult since I only have two arms. Hattie kept trying to get under my arm. Having had Gidget now for seven months (who is what I call a rambunctious terror) has made me see how Daisy's life was a struggle from the beginning. She never had the energy that Gidget has. Outside of Gidget's stomach issues that she seems to have grown out of, Gidget doesn't have the illnesses Daisy had. Still, I miss her. She was part of our family (and still is). I know her time was limited with us and she had to move on but she was what I call "one of the original four." And I do know that if she weren't here, we wouldn't have Gidget who appears to bound for a long, happy life (fingers crossed). Death teaches us lessons that we don't always understand from where we are currently standing but I believe that one day, here or beyond, everything will make sense.

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