Monday, January 11, 2010

Settling in

It's been another week and I still can't believe that Gidget has just been with us about 1 1/2 weeks. She started going for walks last week with Nestle although Gidget's idea is to try and grab Nestle's leash so she can chew on it. She also is getting a second walk in the afternoon which is helping to wear her out– she's usually asleep by 7 pm! Last night she was up for a short time after plus a few bathroom breaks made mandatory by me but she is going to sleep easily and staying asleep until I get up at 5:30. She has not used the house as her bathroom in almost 72 hours. Yahoo! And she is playing a lot with the others, particularly Hattie. Gidget likes going outside during the day and finding out what Chaco is doing (he's been spending a lot of time in the sun out there) and then sometimes Hattie will follow and Gidget will chase Hattie all over the yard. Everyone on our walks keeps saying how cute she is but she would rather bark at people than let them talk to her. She loves going up the stairs and it's been interesting watching her develop. I don't remember this about Hattie. The best I can figure is that we have so little recollection of Hattie's puppyhood because she was sick. Right now Gidget is sleeping next to a bone.

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