Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Daisy, the comeback dog

Sunday things were looking really dire. And then Joe found a bump on Daisy's back leg Sunday night. We had planned to euthanize her Tuesday morning after I flew home Monday night. However, Monday morning Joe took Daisy to TLC to see our vet and it turned out that Daisy's platelets were up and the bump was an edema. And Joe said she was glad to see everyone at the clinic. She came home and ran around. We've been going back up the hill since. This morning she was running around with the others just like she always has. The only caveat is that she's feeling so good that she's tearing at her bandage (the tissue is healing so it probably itches). I found bandage pieces all over the house both yesterday morning and this morning. A small price to pay for having her running around. She's also had several ozone treatments and acupuncture which appear to be helping. I'm just glad she's engaged in life. As long as she remains so, we'll keep her here with us.

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