Monday, March 30, 2009
Looking for stories of love and companionship
I am finally starting work on the book (based on my dissertation) that chronicles how dogs have helped people cope with loss, any kind of loss. Have a story to tell? Email me at
Why you never tell Nestle she is a good dog
I took Nestle to Petco last week. I don't know that I've ever taken Nestle to Petco. The last time I took Chaco, he decided to mark an end cap of treats. In fact, it was several days before Joe brought Nestle home from the city shelter and we were picking out a collar, leash, food bowl, and toy for her. Chaco wasn't happy. Anyway, I had to get food for them and had one other errand to run. We stopped at the vet clinic first where I took Nestle in and weighed her. She's still 73 pounds which was a relief since I was worried she was looking a little round. She did really well at Petco as I maneuvered the shopping cart and her around the store. She was quiet, too, which is a major miracle. We got to the cashier and waited for the people in front of us to finish. She was standing by me, sniffing a little bit but not too interested in what was there. And that's when I mistakenly said, "You know Nestle, you almost are acting like a normal dog today. Good girl." Huge mistake. She grabbed a treat out of the bin she could reach and dropped it on the floor. So much for my normal dog. When I ask her to sit at home to put her leash on, I can't reinforce her as I'm doing it and tell her she's a good dog because she'll immediately get up and start running around again. Nothing about Nestle is "normal" but I suppose that's what we love about her most.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
JayJayPooh Bear needs a home

Please help Jay Jay Pooh Bear find a home!
This is a wonderful, extremely loving, smart and gentle dog. JayJayPoohBear is very shy at first, but the moment he feels relaxed, he will fall in love with you. His mix is Husky and ChowChow (because of the prevalent blue markings on his tongue). He’s 6 yrs. young, weighs 60 lbs. and is fully vet checked. Pooh Bear’s devotion is big, strong and true, just as he is. He likes other dogs, but takes some time to accept them, so he needs an experienced handler (he’s fine with my two little dogs). Pooh’s deep, baritone bark is resonant, but if you say “sshhhh!” he softens the tone. We're presently working with a fabulous trainer to overcome his deep fears from being kept in a backyard his entire life. JayJayPoohBear is making good strides and needs further work.
For more details and to meet JayJayPoohBear, please call Sharon 718 783 3432 or JayJayPooh Bear is in Brooklyn, NY, but could be adopted by anyone who wants to give him a good home.
Hattie: part dog, part monkey, part bird
Yes, this is how Hattie likes to scope out what's going on outside the windows. She does this in the car, too. The neighbors came to swim two of the last three days (the two days it was nice enough to swim although most of us just dipped our toes in the water). Hattie got to ride in a raft around the pool and dive in before Rich dove in the pool. Nestle swam to the bench in the deep end but didn't stay long. I'm not sure why because she is a lab and surely 80-degree water is much warmer than what hunting labs endure. Ah, but she's Nestle.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Hattie hops the wall
While Joe didn't tell me before he left the country, my neighbor mentioned that Hattie had jumped the wall on Saturday. Yes, that's a six-foot wall. Apparently, Rich and Barbara had friends over who have two dogs and the next thing they knew, John saw Hattie come over the wall. Rich picked up Hattie and took her home to Joe who had no idea she had taken a trip next door. We never lack for excitement around here.....
Monday, March 16, 2009
The weekend....and heading home
I am returning to Albuquerque this afternoon. Joe left yesterday for Asia which means Rich next door is keeping an eye on the pooches. Chaco had an infection several weeks ago and developed one again this weekend. Joe even spent Saturday afternoon creating packets of food for Chaco (rice, chicken, and yogurt) to make it easier for Rich to feed Chaco until I got home. I admit I was impressed because I know how time consuming making that food is. That's why I don't cook my dogs meals! I'm attaching a few photos from the weekend. The family came over and we cleaned up the yard and Mom made us breaded pork chops (what she is doing in the photos with Owen and Ginger). Britt and Morgan seemed to bond and Mom was too tired to make the four-block drive home. She crashed on the couch and after I made up her "bed," Ginger took ownership of it.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A rainy day in Naperville
I'm in Naperville for the week which means the dogs are depressed (according to Joe) and I keep forgetting that they aren't here with me. It means I can sleep in a little later and no one is sticking her nose into mine to let her out at 5:00 am (Daisy). But it's lonely when you are used to four furry friends hanging out under your desk or are ready to play at 4:00 pm (Nestle tries to move up dinner a little earlier each day). From my dining room where I sit and watch the world go by, I see people walking their dogs by all day long. And part of me wants to run out there and greet them. Instead, I stay inside and wonder if mine are lounging by the pool or under Joe's desk. And, if the weather is good, I'll run over to Mom's and pick up Ginger and her Daisy and walk them. Each time I thought about walking them today though, the wind picked up or a torrential rain barreled out of the sky. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Hattie watching "The Dog Whisperer"
I don't watch "The Dog Whisperer" often, mostly because I have been addicted to the Food Network and HGTV. (I am sure a few people are snickering, thinking that Nestle could benefit from a few lessons although if you saw the episode with the two Golden Retrievers, I bet Nestle would come pretty close to testing Cesar Milan's patience. I don't think there that there is a method we haven't tried with her. I was folding towels as we were watching and I looked over and realized Hattie was intrigued. She couldn't take her eyes off the television. I really believe she watching everything the dogs were doing wrong so she could emulate it. She might look sweet and innocent but she is quite a devious dog. Too smart for her own good.
Hattie sleeps among her friends
After doing some serious stuffed animal repair recently, I piled the stuffed animals and one by one they get removed and taken either outside or to the living room by Chaco. He never does more than carrying them around the house and tear their stuffing out. Hattie's favorite thing to do is tear their eyes out. Daisy isn't really interested in them although she was the dog who, as a puppy, tore through shoes and anything she could find (the more expensive, the better). Nestle takes the cake though. She loves to hump the stuffed animals. She especially likes to put on a "show" when people are over for dinner. All I can say is that it's the one time (besides when she is sleeping) we are guaranteed she will be quiet. I'm sure any dog trainer wouldn't approve. Here Hattie sleeps among her friends and Nestle covers her eyes after a long, hard day of....hmmm....I'm not sure what would wear her out....
The pool is open...summer must not be far behind!
With the recent warm weather in New Mexico, we couldn't help but open the pool. Nestle and Hattie scoped it out and Chaco has been laying next to it and enjoying the peacefulness he seems to enjoy from the water. We doubt we will swim before mid-April but it's just nice to know that spring is at least around the corner.
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Blog Archive
- Looking for stories of love and companionship
- Why you never tell Nestle she is a good dog
- JayJayPooh Bear needs a home
- Hattie: part dog, part monkey, part bird
- Hattie hops the wall
- The weekend....and heading home
- A rainy day in Naperville
- Hattie watching "The Dog Whisperer"
- Hattie sleeps among her friends
- The pool is open...summer must not be far behind!