Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hattie sleeps among her friends

After doing some serious stuffed animal repair recently, I piled the stuffed animals and one by one they get removed and taken either outside or to the living room by Chaco. He never does more than carrying them around the house and tear their stuffing out. Hattie's favorite thing to do is tear their eyes out. Daisy isn't really interested in them although she was the dog who, as a puppy, tore through shoes and anything she could find (the more expensive, the better). Nestle takes the cake though. She loves to hump the stuffed animals. She especially likes to put on a "show" when people are over for dinner. All I can say is that it's the one time (besides when she is sleeping) we are guaranteed she will be quiet. I'm sure any dog trainer wouldn't approve. Here Hattie sleeps among her friends and Nestle covers her eyes after a long, hard day of....hmmm....I'm not sure what would wear her out....

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