Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Life with Gidget at 10 1/2 months

I was on the phone recently with someone I work in the same field with and Gidget let out a bark. He remarked about my having a conversation with my dog and I said that was my 10-month-old puppy. He said, "That's no puppy!" to which I then told him she also was at the other end of the house barking at the garbage truck. That about sums up life with Gidget. She might only be 10 months old but she definitely has taken the world by storm. I'm not sure how it will go on Thursday morning when I attempt to take Gidget with Nestle to the vet for Nestle's follow-up appointment for her ear infection. Gidget needs her nails trimmed and hasn't been weighed in some months. I'm sure I'll be shocked when the scale reads more than 60 pounds. She continues to get taller and longer although her tail hasn't dragged on the ground recently. As I write this, Chaco is outside the shut back door eating his food (so the others can't get to it) while Gidget and Nestle stare at him. The door (which is mostly glass) is filled with Gidget's muddy paw prints from when she tried to get into the house and I made her stay out because not only had she gone in the pool, she then traipsed through the dirt. She likes to drink from the pool but only after she gets on the top step and then plays with the water. Honestly, I think I like her best when she snoozing because she at least looks innocent and isn't capable at that moment of ruining the floor I've just vacuumed. I can hear her playing with her ball behind me in the dining room. She is more the Labrador (ie, Nestle) than German Shepherd, wanting to play fetch for a good portion of the day. but when I see photos on Facebook of the many dogs who are euthanized because of well, stupid people, and overcrowded shelters who can't take care of them, I can let go of the muddy paws. I'd let them all in my house with their muddy paws if it meant they could have a chance at life.

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